Collecting data on a colaboration data platform Datastreams

Data loves to speak, we just need to listen

We humans, by our very nature, are storytellers. The hundreds of myths and legends spread throughout history are a poignant indicator of the human drive to create and share stories. Stories have always been closely interwoven with data. Data provides the start for every story, the wellspring for tales both real and fictitious. From the moment, we are born and commit our date of birth to the world, we leave behind trails of data in everything we do, until we finally close out our story with the date we die. An autobiography, in a way, written in the data we leave behind.

Data speaks to those willing to listen. “Where do you get your inspiration from?” Is a common question to writers and innovators of other types. The answer, often, is something we have all observed: an idea we’re all familiar with, an event we have all witnessed or a fact we all know. The question “Why didn’t I think of that?” often rises when we see innovations or hear stories. When the stories are told to us and we look at the data they are based on, it seems to clear what the data had been telling us all along. Why, then, didn’t we hear it talk before? The answer is simple: we weren’t listening.

Companies have realized the potential in data for quite a while. As companies, we love collecting data from our customers, running analytics and crunching data until it churns out results. We know the percentages, the uptakes in sales, the averages. When we see data (and we see a lot of data) we are prone to asking ourselves: “What can we do with this data?” when we should be asking “What is this data telling me?”

Professor of Economics Robert Coase was right when he said: “If you torture the data long enough, it will confess.” Indeed, if we analyze the enormous amounts of data available, we will find the cold, analytic information we are looking for. But as is the question with all information obtained through torture: how truthful is the story we are told? It is time we stop torturing our data and start listing to it, start looking at it through the eyes of an artist. Only then will we come to ideas that will make our competitors scratch their heads and think: “Why didn’t I think of that?”.

CRO, GDPR and e-privacy regulations optimisation with a risk

CRO – Optimisation with a risk

In the world of marketing, CRO stands for ‘Conversion Ratio Optimisation’. A quick search on Wikipedia for the definition of CRO, yields a different result. Here, the abbreviation CRO is also explained as standing for ‘Chief Risk Officer’. That same Wikipedia explains the main task of a CRO as: “To ensure that the organisation is in full compliance with applicable regulations and to analyse all risk related issues”.

Considering the impending GDPR and e-privacy regulation, each marketer looking to improve his conversation ratio, should first look to that other CRO. Similarly, each CRO should pay a visit to the marketing department to see what happens there. Time for a short introduction for both.

What is CRO?
Conversion Ratio Optimisation is a generic term for a combination of processes and techniques that aim to optimise the conversion ratio. Often, improving the customer experience is named as the target for these processes, but eventually this improved CX is supposed to lead to a higher conversion ratio.

Coen Huijsmans, strategist at TamTam, gave a good explanation (Dutch) of what CRO entails and what it takes to get the best results. Google Analytics is hailed as ‘your best friend in CRO’.

On the contrary, for the CRO, Google Analytics is the biggest enemy. When you use Google Analytics, you share personal information with Google and where personal information is used, consent needs to be obtained. When you just use Google Analytics for Analytics and don’t collect Personally Identifying Information (PII), you can do this before asking consent, though you’ll still need to pay close attention to the settings in Google Analytics. However, Google Analytics is fairly easily integrated with marketing tools like Google Doubleclick and Google Optimze. As soon as you start doing this, Google Analytics will have to be used only after asking users’ consent. If you fail to obtain this consent and continue to measure using Google Analytics, you are in violation of the GDPR and risk being sanctioned.

GDPR and e-Privacy Regulations
By now, nearly everyone in our sector knows that the GDPR comes into effect May 2018. At that same moment, the e-Privacy Regulation will also come into force. For the e-Privacy Regulation might be accompanied by a two-year transitional period, but that is by no means a guarantee.

The e-Privacy Regulation complements the GDPR and mostly concerns the things a marketer seeks to do online. According to the GDPR, direct marketing is allowed without consent, but the e-Privacy Regulation clearly states that so called ‘unsolicited marketing’ without consent isn’t allowed. A direct mailing per post is therefore allowed, but for a DM using e-mail you will need to ask consent first.

The sanctions for violating both laws are the same. They can be enforced per violation, so when you continue to violate one or both of the laws, you can encounter the same sanction again. When we talk about GDPR sanctions, fines may seem like the biggest threat. In relation to CRO, you could make a business case: how high is the fine and what does the optimisation bring us? However, in this case, don’t forget to take damage to your reputation into account for this business case. How many clients leave the company and how difficult will it be to find (and bind) new clients, after you’ve been caught breaching regulations. This impact, of course, depends on what kind of business you are. A big dating-site will suffer more reputational damage than a fairly small web shop.

Of course, we would never advise anyone to purposefully violate the law. If you decide to this, any decent CRO will prevent you from giving in to this temptation! A good thing, because one of the most dangerous sanctions is rarely discussed, but will most definitely still be enforced: a ban on the collection and processing of personal information.

Let that sink in. A complete ban on processing personal information. What can you do if you are no longer allowed to process personal information. Does your company even have a ground for existing in that case, or would you need to close shop immediately?

It is viable to optimise conversion ratios, improve customer experiences and (re)target your campaigns under the GDPR. A lot is still possible, but not without a concerted effort. Only after obtaining consent in a valid way, are you allowed to use data for this purpose. Do you tell your customers in your consent pop-up that you use Google Analytics for analytics purposes? Then you’re not allowed to use the data for targeting and can not link your Google Analytics to Doubleclick or Optimize. Did you tell your customers that you measure your customer’s behavior to increase your conversion ratio and have customers consented to this? Then nothing is stopping you in optimising your conversion ratio.

A final word: if you link your Google Analytics to Google Optimize, you are only allowed to use Google Analytics after a visitor has given consent for the tracking of his behavior for marketing purposes. This is because when you send ID’s from Google Analytics to Optimize, Google assumes that all ID’s have already given their consent.

Data dreams of: American Express, data-driven company

Data dreams of: American Express

It is sometimes said that everything starts with a dream. To help you kickstart your own dreams, we are sharing the dreams of some of our clients. Today we are looking at the dreams of American Express, who leveraged the power of visualized data to gain improved insights into their marketing campaigns.

From ambitious data-dreams
American Express dreams of a way to gain better insight into their key touchpoints within the approval process for credit card applications. This would allow Amex Acquisition teams around the world to improve their marketing campaigns at any time based on data that is up to date, trusted and easy to understand.

For their data-driven challenge

  • Collect data from master sources and configure them into new data models.
  • Speed up the collection, collation and reporting of data from different sources
  • Configure data models and visualize them in an understandable manner.
  • Allow the end user to easily segment and filter data themselves.
  • Provide a high-level overview of campaign tracking data, allowing the detection of trends that require deeper analysis.
  • Be flexible and scalable across Amex in different countries
  • Enable compliance with the impending GDPR demands.

To a data-driven solution teamed up with Adversitement to make the dreams of Amex come true. provided the Data Stream Manager (DSM), which allowed Adversitement to collect data from different sources and build new data models. By connecting these data models to Tableau, Adversitement can create and maintain clear, insightful dashboards of clearly visualized, valuable and timely information.

For a data-driven future
With our solution being implemented in Amex companies in different countries, American Express can look forward to a future of easily accessible insights in key touchpoints with their clients. Amex acquisition teams no longer have to wait for reports put together by hand at the end of each month. Instead, they can rely on data that is batched on a near daily basis, meaning that they can monitor and implement changes in campaigns based on reliable data at any time. Users can also enjoy insightful dashboards that allow broader and deeper segmentation than before. They can clearly understand channel and campaign data without spending hours building their own reports. Finally, Amex is for the privacy standards of the future, as our data governance layer makes worries about the GDPR a thing of the past.